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Szkolenia dla biznesu.

Psychology training is becoming more and more popular in the business world. They improve the quality of customer service and team cooperation, as well as prevent burnout and increase productivity. 


We invite you to check out our offer of training courses dedicated to business:

Naucz się uczyć

Is your business facing rapid market changes? Or maybe you want to enrich your team's skills to meet new challenges? We invite you to our innovative "Learn to learn" training, which will provide you and your employees with tools and strategies to acquire new skills and effectively adapt to the changing world of business.

Main training topics:

  • Neuroplasticity and skill development:
    Learn the secrets of brain neuroplasticity and learn how to create a favorable environment for effective learning.

  • Effective learning techniques:
    Learn how to plan your studies efficiently, use memorization techniques and quickly absorb information.

  • Adapting to changes:
    Learn strategies for coping with change and getting used to new business situations.

  • Developing creativity and innovation:
    Discover how to stimulate creativity in your team and stimulate innovative approaches to business problems.

This training will help you and your team always be ready for new challenges and acquire the skills you need to succeed in the dynamic world of business.


Regulacja emocji w biznesie

Does your business provide professional support to clients in difficult life situations or situations involving stress? Our "Emotion Regulation in Business" training will help your team gain the skills to cope with emotional challenges at work and support customers in difficult moments.

Main training topics:

  • Emotions and effectiveness:
    Learn about the impact of emotions on work efficiency and learn to manage emotions in stressful situations.

  • Customer empathy and understanding:
    Learn to build deep relationships with your clients and support them in difficult circumstances.

  • The art of communication:
    Learn communication techniques that will help you effectively respond to the emotions of customers and colleagues.

  • Self-care for employees:
    Implement self-care strategies to ensure your team's mental health and minimize burnout.

This training will help your business improve the quality of the service provided and gain the trust of customers in difficult situations.


Rozmowa ponad kulturami

Does your company operate on an international market and have a diverse team of employees and contractors? Our "Conversation across cultures" training will provide your team with the skills to communicate in a multicultural business environment.

Main training topics:

  • Cultural awareness: Learn to understand and respect cultural differences to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

  • Cross-cultural communication: Learn communication techniques that will help you communicate effectively with partners and customers from different cultures.

  • Leadership in a Diverse Team: Learn how to manage a team with diverse cultural backgrounds and collaborate effectively in a global business environment.

  • Intercultural Conflict Resolution: Learn to recognize and resolve conflicts arising from cultural differences.

This training will enable your business to effectively communicate and cooperate with partners and employees from different cultures, which will contribute to success in the international market.

We conduct the training in Polish or English.

The training offered has been designed in an interactive and practical way, providing participants with the opportunity to acquire specific knowledge and skills that directly translate into effectiveness at work.


We can conduct training in Polish or English. 


You can choose the form of meeting that suits you best - online training, at the company's headquarters.


We want our participants to feel completely comfortable, which is why we conduct training in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. This makes the learning process even more inspiring and effective.


To learn more and receive a detailed offer, please contact us at the following e-mail or fill out the form at the bottom of the page. 


We look forward to learning and developing together in your company!

Fill out the form and we will contact you

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